Notes about the namespace buzzword

Without loss of generality, I think we can craft a virtual namespace where we understand keys as predicates over values, where a particular value can be checked against a key simply by checking the predicate. Lookups then return sets of values, and we relax slightly referential transparency to simply guarantee that if a particular set s is returned at local time t, the set returned at t + n for any non-negative n will include all elements of s.

Examples of keys-as-predicates:

  • the simple content-addressed predicate \v -> hash v == h for some fixed h
  • an example unspent resource lookup \v -> let r = asResource v in unspentInController c t r for a fixed controller c and controller-time t, where unspentInController checks the controller signature, proper format, etc. attesting to the created-but-not-consumed resources at t
  • a more complex unspent resource lookup which also checks that the resource label is equal to some constant
  • a lookup of some particular piece of oracle data, e.g. \v -> isOracleFormat v t && checkSignature o v for some fixed oracle o and time t

A few questions arise here:

  • How do we actually encode functions? This one isn’t too difficult; see here. We can also hash the encoded functions for constant-sized keys.
  • How do we actually fetch the right data? Obviously not all functions will be easily computable, and in the limit case, we would have to iterate over all data and test the predicate in order to return, which is infeasible. In practice, only a subset of known predicates will be supported - but the relaxed referential transparency guarantee also always allows us to return {} before appropriate indexes for a particular predicate are created. In some cases (e.g. resources at some time), it would be helpful to have affirmative proof that a response is complete.

cc also @mariari @Moonchild