Thanks for the clear writeup. I agree that we should re-evaluate new topics for v3. From my perspective the most important additional point from that original v3 topics list is just:
- Generalized information revelation (proofs to third parties). As far as I can see, these proofs would take the form of (a) a proof that I know a particular resource with particular properties (some arbitrary predicate), and (sometimes) (b) a proof that that resource (or some resource) is not yet spent, i.e. that its nullifier has not yet been revealed. This latter is particularly important to investigate because it may impose requirements on the structure of the nullifier set (namely, the ability to efficiently make and verify proofs of non-inclusion).
Apart from that, I think we could focus v3 on the backlog that you listed, and on clarifying all of the types, notation, and structure. It might be wiser anyways to split out topics like EVM integration and (T)FHE into separate ART reports, unless they require some deep structural integration or change, but I think that they probably don’t.