Exploring the Dominion of Anoma: A Distributed Operating System

Exploring the Dominion of Anoma: A Distributed Operating System

Anoma is an operating system, a distributed one at that. However, what does
this mean in practice for Anoma and her Dominion? Further, What implications
does this entail for the entities who wish to shape and describer her
evolution? This post seeks to answer these questions by providing a realistic
overview on how one might operate under the dominion of Anoma.

A view from under the dominion

Let us first view Anoma from a member operating under her. Let us call this
member Eric. Eric chooses to belong under the dominion of Anoma for multiple
reasons, let us view various actions he engages from within the dominion.

Eric, being a true patron, sets up pickup games with other members within the
dominion; due to the busy schedule of the various members, games are not held
on a set regular schedule. Rather, each member submits a signed transaction
that denotes on what days they’d be available to a specified path that Eric
is subscribed to. Specifically, Eric utilizes the dominion to have a piece of
Anockma be triggered upon getting any of these transactions. Eric has
little patience for the slowness of the computational power he controls under
the dominion and as such has developed a CPP program that more efficiently
solves the other members request. This is brought under the dominion via it’s
foreign communication channels (often referred to as an FFI outside of
Anoma’s borders), thus allowing him on trigger invoke the faster CPP program
to find workable solution for all members. Eric, now satisfied with a
solution, has anockma submit the solution directly into the public court
(the court is the location in which all serious data is gossiped within the
dominion) in which all other members subscribe to and get notified by.

Eric however has to be careful before confirming these results, as a newer
member under the dominion, William, also tries to help setup these pickup
games and thus has his own machine try to solve the pickup games. Since
William is a new member of the dominion his solution to these problems are
different, he prefers not to call out of Anoma’s dominion via the
communication channels but rather prefers to shuffle the various
transactions via port to his machinery that exists within the alliance of

This competition is for naught, as one day Eric notices that William has left
the dominion. Eric sighs not because he particularly cared for William and
knew that he would leave, but rather he must update the membership list to
keep the games continuing. Eric walks to his chambers and queries for his
private list of potential participants. After sifting through the data for a
good minute, Eric chooses Johanna for inclusion. Eric then leaves his private
chambers into his more public court and begins to broadcast that as of the
current time that William has been swapped out for Johanna. In doing so Eric
has published and gossiped the new timestamp and list for which the decision
is binding. Eric grins as he remembers that last week he finally got around
to automating the machinery that was responsible for responding to these
subscriptions to filter out any transactions with older timestamps. Eric
also reasoned that since this particular court was small (Courts in the
dominion can be of many sizes), that it would be best to send a message
directly to those who created these transactions to query the records for
Eric’s latest changes as this should already be automated for those with the
latest version.

Eric was always an industrious sort, when annoyances came his way he always
found ways to make them stop. Thus in a typical fashion Eric heads to his
chambers to contemplate his next move. For he has far more important matters
to attend to and letting a silly game dwell on his mind for long is
unacceptable. In a moment the idea hits him, he has decided to publicize his
private logs of potential members to the court record. This for Eric was not
the end to the question as he saw a few ways in which this could work
out. His first thoughts were to modify the rules of the court in which the
members could participate as he set himself the ruler of the
particular. Under the dominion on Anoma, Eric cannot modify any court freely
as most of the courts he belonged to had collective ownership, however this
particular court recognized the sovereignty of Eric. However after musing on
the idea Eric thought of a simpler strategy. Rather than relying on the rules
of the court he’ll change the membership list from one that just accepts his
signature to that of which accepts his signature or a super majority of
signatures in the members list. The dominion prides itself on having easily
hackable shared data, they look kinda like objects you would see in the
failed news speak initiative that was moped up some years ago in the
alliance, however these objects are quite foreign as they are built ontop
of the naturally occurring resources that flow naturally within the
dominion. These resources are built out of new smarter material, rather
than allowing anyone to sabotage them they have special rules that must be
obeyed before they can taken control of. Eric in this case simply just
mixed in the new check into the path and constructed the new list that can
be updated without any personal intervention.

Done wasting his time, Eric retires once again to his chambers to conduct
important business of statecraft. One of the private courts Eric is appointed
to is having a vote on how to handle the annexing of new land. This court is
special in that it will not accept any private voting all voting must be done
publicly, however the court itself is a fully private one, only those with
special keys are let into the proceedings. The situation is quite complex as
depending on how others vote Eric may wish to back different commanders to
gain more favor in the area. Eric is quite thankful that privacy isn’t
allowed in this court as it’s made Eric’s choice simple, with his mind made
Eric begins to set foot in the private court. The court is silent, not much
activity has occurred here as only important matters are considered
here. After a few minutes everyone was requested to step forward and cast
their votes at the same time. Eric hoped that his vote will be put in the
ordering book later as his vote would read the inflight data of those before
and opportunistically vote for the favor.

A view of the dominion

The dominion of Anoma is propped up by the interweaving relationship of the
court (node) and chambers (client). Intuitively the chambers (client) is the
place where people under the dominion go to think and act in private and the
court (node) is where their decisions are known and gossiped around. It is
often said that citizens belong to many different courts. It is currently
unclear that if the in the dominion that citizens have multiple courts
(nodes) for various channels or if the court of the citizens somehow have
channels to effectively channel information.

However given the structure of the dominion we can see that the chambers
(client) offers the following functions to it’s citizens:

  1. Local processing power
  2. Live event processing to long lived processes
  3. Local private storage that others can not peer into

And the court (node) offers the following functions to it’s citizens:

  1. Ordering transaction processing
  2. Distributed gossiped storage
  3. Distributed processing

What is important to note is that both these structures allow extra hackable
rulesets to apply. For the chambers (client) this is most obvious as a single
citizen has full control. However it appears that even for structures in the
dominion that have collective control, that voting can be had to instantiate
new rule of law.

These central structures to the life of citizens under the dominion seem to
be propped up by a few key ideas:

  1. The natural resources that fuel the technology of the dominion.
  2. Custom keyspace pathing that lets the resources be properly routed.
    1. One form is on content addressed data that lets any citizen cite tap
      into the shared wealth of the dominion.
    2. Another that is abused by the various legislative parties is the
      special owned pathing unique to certain courts (nodes) and brought into
      many citizen’s chambers (client).
  3. Custom roads to the outside world. The dominion allows both controlled foreign
    communication channels and ports to be operated by various citizens

Further time is required within the dominion to fully comes to terms with
what we are truly dealing with.

January 1st 2025

Other Notes

We have seen the dominion of Anoma both from the inside (with Eric) and from
an outside observer (William). What is important to note about the dominion
is that it’s a complex distributed system however it rests itself on a few
key points to ground itself in a practical loop, every unique feature should
be considered with how it works with the core pillars of the system works and
we must be willing to push the primitives in a way that synergies, such a
well designed system can not come by piling on random features as that would
detract from the ability to realize our dreams of the dominion.


I enjoyed this thoroughly. One question it inspires is whether we should conceive of the domain of a particular client as local to a particular machine or local to a particular user’s domain of control (which would mean e.g. that it might need to be synchronized across a few devices).