This is a rough sketch of what a “VampIR VM” might look like. Goals of this VM design:
- Abstract (not tied to a specific proof system)
- Minimal (no more complexity than necessary)
- Clean separation of semantic specification and efficiency / optimisation concerns
The entire VM is parameterized over a totally ordered finite field F, with:
- Multiplication: *, with type F \to F \to F
- Addition: +, with type F \to F \to F
- Additive identity: 0, with type F
- Multiplicative identity: 1, with type F
- Additive inverse: -, with type F \to F
- Comparison: < (less than, exclusive), with type F \to F \to {0 | 1}
Input program representation
Programs are represented as extended multivariate polynomials over a_0 ... a_n in canonical form, with designated variable b (where a_0 .... a_n can be understood as the inputs, and b can be understood as the output result):
This is, of course, equivalent to a_0^3 + 2a_1^2 - 3a_0 + 2 - b = 0.
To provide control flow, we introduce two new primitives:
- Comparison lt(a, b), where:
- lt(a, b) = 0 if a < b
- lt(a, b) = 1 otherwise
- Branching branch(a, b, c), where:
- branch(0, b, c) = b
- branch(1, b, c) = c
- branch(\_, b, c) (if a is neither identity element) is undefined
TODO: Consider whether “undefined” is the right semantics here. “Crash” might also be appropriate.
Note: Assuming that a \in {0, 1}, branch(a, b, c) is semantically equivalent to ((1 - a) * b) + (a * c), and some kind of smart bidirectional transformation between these two should be possible.
Thus, for example,
is a valid program.
Transformation to circuit
In order to transform programs to a circuit, they are first factorized (via some algorithm), resulting in a program of a form
TODO: Figure out how lt and branch interact with factorization.
The factors are ordered in canonical form.
The program is then transformed to a circuit-style DAG, with a_0 ... a_n as the inputs and b as the output. There are only five gate types:
- LT
Transformation to instructions
Now, we have an AST of the form (for example):
data Circuit
= Input Nat
| Neg Circuit
| Add Circuit Circuit
| Mul Circuit Circuit
| Lt Circuit Circuit
| Branch Circuit Circuit Circuit
For sequential execution, this AST can be compiled with SSA to a finite set of registers and a sequence of instructions of the same names, where evaluation is eager, except for branch which is compiled to compare-jump (avoiding execution of the branch not taken).
For example, define the sequential VM state as the tuple (pc, ins, rt) where
- pc is the program counter
- ins is the instruction sequence
- rt is the register table
Instructions are then:
data Instruction
= Neg R R
| Add R R R
| Mul R R R
| Lt R R R
| Branch R P P
Each step, the VM reads the instruction at the current pc, and executes as follows:
- NEG, ADD, MUL, LT: Perform the appropriate operation, writing to the last (output) register, and increment pc by 1.
- BRANCH: Read register R, and set pc to the left branch if R = 0, or to the right branch if R = 1.
At the end, the output value will be stored in the register assigned to b.
For parallel execution, disjoint parts of the circuit may be executed in parallel as usual, and compile-time branch prediction would lead to early parallel evaluation of (parts of) both branches.
Note: the optimisation function here is input-value-dependent, so a well-defined solution would depend on a probability distribution over input values)
Add primitives and associated circuit gates + instructions:
- reflect(a) - reflects a \in F up to a program PROG
- repr(PROG) - represents PROG as a field element a \in F
Future tasks
- Figure out how and when to deal with overflow (seems like this might be hard/annoying)
- Ideally we just do this at the definition stage by using a large enough field
- But otherwise we might have to do intricate things
- Consider different finite fields (of program definitions and execution backends)
- Consider prefixes / sub-fields
- Consider what happens if the field is only partially ordered / what implications this structure has
- Consider a potential non-deterministic VM version where (basically) some of the inputs are undefined