I think this is a very bad idea. The spec should not enforce what the values the valueRef
and labelRef
point to.
I imagine many better ways to layout data than a map, and I’ve propsed a different strategy entirely for getting the kinds of generic dispatch and interfaces we want in the a story here:
Enforcing it to be a certain way will cause these kinds of strategy to not be possible and lock away any chance at making a generic protocol around the RM.
I believe this is not a pragmatic approach, if you want to encourage developers with Juvix to currently do it, go ahead. But I’m skeptical if this is what we want in the long run. We are just now trying to get our feet wet trying to make RM applications, and I believe some of the ones we have right now don’t do this as it only complicates the logic for little gain, as the Juvix type system can’t really support this and I believe long term this is not a good strategy to go with.