Minimum viable stack machine

Let’s try this again, for now with infinite fields for simplicity, then we can map to finite ones.

One element type: F. F has:

  • Addition
  • Additive inverse
  • Multiplication
  • Multiplicative inverse
  • Additive identity
  • Multiplicative identity
  • Equality

All operations satisfy the standard field laws.


  • PUSH F
  • ADD
  • MUL
  • EQ
  • HALT
  • REPR

Two stacks: one for code, one for data. Define S as these stacks.

One additional append-only stack with an opaque element type, addressable by index. This is used for evaluator functions.

Basic operation loop:

  1. Pop the code stack, this is the next instruction.
  2. If the instruction is HALT, halt execution and return the data stack.
  3. Call the current evaluator function eval_n (latest item on the evaluator stack). This function is native code and performs some (unknown) transformation on the state.

The initial evaluator function eval_0 is defined as:

  1. PUSH, ADD, ADD_INV, MUL, MUL_INV, and EQ behave as you’d expect, operating on the data stack.
  2. BRANCH a consumes and tests the top of the data stack. If the top is 0_F, do nothing. If the top is 1_F, drop a elements in the code stack.
  3. REFLECT moves the top of the code stack to the top of the data stack.
  4. REPR moves the top of the code stack to the top of the data stack.
  • Copies the entire current state, saves it to S_0.
  • Define eval_n as some opaque function such that the result of executing eval_n is always the same as the result of:
    • Starting in S_0
    • Appending the code stacks
    • Appending the data stacks
    • Calling the evaluator recursively until it halts
    • Reading the data stack
  • Append eval_n to the evaluator stack

The next loop, eval_n is called instead.

Some properties which should hold:

  • REFLECT and REPR are always inverse.
  • They always transform to a format which is known at compile time (eval_0).
  • eval_n understands how to evaluate terms “compiled” with eval_0 ... eval_{n-1} (this can be achieved just by using the evaluator stack).

Ah, the copy semantics can be simplified to:

  • Read the top element of the data stack
  • Read that many elements of the data stack
  • Copy those
  • (that becomes S_{ctx} or such)

And should be equivalent to eval_{n-1}, repr_{n-1}

Ah, to be clear, there can also be some stack manipulation functions (DUP, SWAP, ROT, etc.)

Revised REPLACE_SELF semantics:

  1. Read the top element of the data stack
  2. Read that many elements of the data stack
  3. Copy those elements, call them E.
  4. Define eval_{n+1} as some opaque function such that the result of executing eval_{n+1} (the final result of execution) is the same as the result of:
    • For each element e \in E, prepending repr_{n}(e) to the code stack.
    • Calling eval_{n} until the evaluator halts.
    • Reading the data stack
  5. Append eval_{n+1} to the evaluator stack. The next loop, n = n + 1 and the new eval is called instead,