Questions I want to see researched

Thank you for the paper, I found it a clear, helpful, and entertaining read. I have never seen that definition of objects before, but it makes a lot of sense.

Just as a note, the resource machine – as it stands – does not enforce this, resources are able to inspect the representation of other resources involved in the same action. They do not, however, have to – so an object system written on top of the resource machine could enforce this restriction.

I do not think that this will be a problem, but I will note that the resource machine does not allow us to escape the fundamental efficiency tradeoffs of late binding.

I think that this is the main part that we need to figure out (with respect to how to implement objects on the resource model). This question is related to the question of “standardized resource semantics” discussed here, which I think we could alternatively call “methods with properties”.

For example, we want to be able to define an interface (class?) with a view function:

class OwnedResource r where
  owner : r -> ExternalIdentity

and the property that the resource cannot be changed in any way that the owner has not explicitly authorized (which the resource logic has to “prove” in some sense, see the linked thread for further context). Having interfaces with provable properties also seems to me like it solves a major challenge for object-oriented programming which is mentioned in that paper:

This is basically the same problem as the one I describe in that thread, and the ideal future solution which I propose there is no more and no less than a distributed-operating-system-compatible form of a behavioral specification: in our case, a specification of how the state of the system itself can evolve over time, which is a little different than the cases considered in the paper. One might say that our objects are persistent.

In terms of the question of mathematical representation discussed in the paper, the resource machine should be perfectly capable of representing structures by their characteristic functions, although it doesn’t change the tradeoffs of that representation (e.g. the impossibility of iterating over sets represented by characteristic functions). This will perhaps make the work of solvers more complex (as compared to an algebraic representation), but it will also perhaps allow different (and perhaps at times more efficient) formulations of CSPs, I’m not sure yet.

As for the MOP:

I think this is purely a “programming system choice” and is fully compatible with (but not implemented by) the resource machine.

This sounds like more of a question of practical engineering and tooling. Seems possible to me.

I do not understand this requirement, can you further define or link to what you mean here?

One further thought: I would consider objects as they are defined in this paper to be purely a form of data abstraction, not a computational model. Contrast this to our concept of engines (as defined in the specs), which is a computational model and is not opinionated about the form of data abstraction. It is indeed a computational model that features sending messages around, which may sound superficially similar to “sending messages to objects”, but to me the choice of computational model and the choice of a form of data abstraction are independent. It may be the case that particular forms of data abstraction are more or less efficient to implement on particular computational models, but I don’t think this will matter, because the principal constraint in our choice of computational model is correspondence to physical reality, and that constraint is sufficient to fully determine the contours of the engine system.