On Identities: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love Anoma

The oddities

When reviewing specs V2, I noticed that the Identity Machine felt very peculiar to me:

Namely that everything is an engine!

  1. reads-for
  2. signs-for
  3. naming
  4. commitment

Being an engine means a few things:

  1. It can not something the system can natively talk about (Nothing in our execution language implies being able to create or run Engines)
    • I.E. we can’t create these ideas in anockma, they are speical forms of the system
  2. It is something additional that must interact with user flow in some way
    • I.E. storage offers a storage service that the client environment and distributed node state can use.

Since the condition of 1 requires no thought, let us tackle what 2. means for some of the identities engines.

I want to use signs-for and the identity-management engines as my examples for this post.

For the signs-for engine, we can conceptualize the use of it within the anoma system, as providing a primitive function in anockma.

Namely as part of the actions that anockma execution returns can be a signs-for message that gets propagated to the signs-for engine that is a special genserver in the implementation.

Likewise if we want to connect or generate keys we can expose the identity management engine to execution by offering anockma actions that it can return that signal to the identity management engine our desires.

What this is stating is that we aren’t even attempting to handle these kinds of events “in Anoma”, rather we lay out bare that these concepts are not easily conceivable with the primitives we have in Anoma and would rather hard code in this behaviour.

A directionality correct flow

Now let us imagine a design for the identity machine that tries to utilize Anoma as a system.

Some of these “engines” offer an interesting challenge. Namely the identity management “engine” will require some care.

Before we can begin to describe these engines, we must first lay bare how inside the belly of Anoma and describe how Anoma can store data

Cryptography in system

The first kind of cryptographic keys I wish to talk about are ones that live inside the system.

Thankfully, anockma is just nock and thus we can use it to generate keys such as ed25519, thus key generation is well within the power of the system.

Now what’s nice about anoma, is that we have two kinds of storage:

  1. distributed gossiped storage (on “node”)
  2. local non gossiped storage (on “client”)

In this system we can store these private keys in the non gossiped storage.

We can do it by hash (via blob storage), or by path. This is achievable because we can scry (e.g. /blob/hash for blob storage). With this, we can store our key somewhere where we know.

Thus we can imagine simply generating out this key with some anockma and then storing in a designated path. From here we can have an anockma function that can list you all known keys.

Now that we have storage out of the way, let us talk about the signs-for “engine”.

We can store signs-for data in distributed gossip storage, as everyone would need to know this fact if they wish to attest to that Alice signs for Bob.

Now, since signs-for sounds like a set (maybe Mallory can also sign for Bob), we can’t store this easily using distirbuted blob storage, instead I suggest we use our append-only storage to save it on the path

Bob's public key/signs-for, which the user can then sign for using something like this

scry distributed/Bub's public key/signs-for.

Thus when we have some resource logic, we can invoke the signs-for? predicate in anockma that appropriately scries and checks against the list (ZK implementation note, you can probably pass anything you wish to scry before calling prove all fine as this data is available to scry then pass into the ZK circuit, meaning this is all possible).

Great, we’ve now taken the signs-for and part of the identity-management engine in Anoma itself!

Cryptography out of system

Now we have to face the reality that some data may exist outside of the Anoma system! This can happen when we want to access resources on the underlying operating system that we are apart of.

This may commonly happen to access files on system, or maybe to load some code into the system.

For the purposes of this post, this most happens with the identity-management “engine”, namely we may have some external keys someone generated on say “ledger”.

In this case, this requires a bit of special care, but only enough special care to internalize outside resources.

For a file, this can be done easily by interpreting the scry path as an external file system path, getting back the contents in which we can then add to blob storage or program over. Likewise for a port or a connected device that signs signatures it likely will require some extra external care.

However once this care is given, the type can be unified into the model of how we view signing and thus the identity-management “engine” can be conceptualized as in part special in how outside resources connect (but this is not an engine) and then mostly within Anoma as an interface for how “identities” work.

(This is nothing new, and has been done a million times over with ports in basic image systems…)

However, these extensions need to be developed and thought of, I believe time spent thinking about how the Anoma system (not software on UNIX/Windows) can utilize the underlying OS and develop the Anoma system will be vital to Anoma as a system working, as making every component special will delay this development as we fail to get comfortable with Anoma itself.

I think in the future I’d conceptualize all of these in AL as giving me programable resources that will have the same method interface whether it’s stored in Anoma proper or is an outside resource. This distinction has not harmed how one uses proxy objects in smalltalk or external resources in language as the model is strong enough to make external data look internal to the user, which is the property we want.


The current spec proposes that identities are special and non derivable, and further has not contemplated on how it will be used in the system. I give an example of how we might make these special components apart of the system while still being special. However, the main thrust of this post outlines that “identities” aren’t engines at all and can be conceptualized within Anoma with development being placed in places that help complete the system.

We all need to stop worrying and love Anoma


I’m not entirely sure that I agree with this. The concept of an engine is entirely independent to a particular virtual machine (such as Anockma). Nothing would prevent us, for example, from supporting some kind of spawn_engine(anockma_code) call which spawns a new engine with specified Anockma code (which would implement the engine behavior). We have not yet specified or implemented such a feature, but I’m not convinced that there’s a “categorical divide” between native/non-native here.

This doesn’t follow from the definition of “engine” in the specs – an engine is just an abstraction. Whether or not a given engine connects directly to user flows depends on what messages that engine processes and where they can come from (i.e. the “wiring”). I think that often engines may interact with user flow as in your example, but it’s not necessitated by the form of an engine.

I see your point here, but I want to note for the sake of clarity that, as far as I’m aware, we haven’t evaluated whether or not these concepts could be achieved with the primitives we have in Anoma (although I’m not sure exactly what you mean by that – I’m assuming “Anockma tx execution”).

Modulo some details, I agree that what you’re describing here seems possible. We’ll want to think carefully about access control for keys stored like this (not that we don’t also have to think about access control with the identity management engine, but the identity management engine offers no mechanism to directly read the keys, whereas this approach would).

I think I get what you’re aiming at here, and it seems doable to me.

I’m not quite convinced that keys outside the system would be resources, per se – it seems to me like they would be more like foreign function calls, where e.g. you could call “external_sign” in some Anockma standard library function and the runtime would route this call to the external device (e.g. Ledger hardware wallet), and return the result (a signature).

Resources don’t have method interfaces (at least not in the RM proper), I’m not following this at all. Are you envisioning some other additional abstraction(s)?

Overall, you’ve convinced me that attempting to integrate identity management “natively” is probably the right direction, and at the very least worth working out in detail. As an immediate next step, though, I’d like to clarify some of these conceptual questions to make sure we’re on the same page.

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