The Anoma Research Topics Community

Hola! We introduce Anoma Research Topics, an initiative :seedling: that could help our endeavours and that we want everyone to participate in at some point.

Outdated description of ART

ART Index :seedling:

  • Last update: 2023-10-02 14:04:09
  • Order by downloads/unique
Title Doi/url Date Views/unique Downloads/unique
Juvix to VampIR Pipeline 10.5281/zenodo.8268823 Aug 14, 2023 (179, 125) (144, 107)
Geb Pipeline 10.5281/zenodo.8262747 Aug 21, 2023 (158, 130) (129, 115)
The Core language of Juvix 10.5281/zenodo.8297159 Aug 29, 2023 (88, 64) (75, 53)
Rethinking VampIR 10.5281/zenodo.8262815 Aug 29, 2023 (46, 42) (37, 37)
Anoma: a unified architecture for full-stack decentralised applications 10.5281/zenodo.8279842 Aug 24, 2023 (37, 29) (29, 23)
Exploring Cryptographic Approaches to Enhance Privacy in Intent Solving 10.5281/zenodo.8321167 Oct 02, 2023 (0, 0) (0, 0)

ART In preparation

Topic Title Status Assigned DOI
Compilers VampIR Bestiary In-preparation TBA
Intent Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Survey for Anoma In-preparation TBA

Quick Links


The Anoma Research Topics (ART for short) repository/community is our public, online
collection of research and development efforts. It serves as a catalog for:

  • Research and technical reports,
  • Educational materials such as tutorials,
  • Software, represented by our GitHub codebase and its releases,
  • Other relevant artefacts aiding idea communication.

Covering diverse topics including compilers, cryptography, distributed
systems, among others, the repository primarily features articles written
by Anoma researchers, but external contributions are welcome.

The Rationale Behind ART

The ART repository centralises our written work often overlooked in Slack
messages, blog posts, HackMD notes, and outdated PDF drafts. Crucially, it
facilitates peer review, ensuring each report undergoes scrutiny by at
least one person other than the author. This not only improves the quality
of work but also fosters consensus on content.

Following extensive discussion, we’re launching the repository and seeking
volunteers to help curate it through reviewing submitted reports and
software. Ideally, each report should be reviewed by two people - the
editor and someone familiar with the topic. Currently, I’m handling reports
related to the Juvix project and need assistance with areas:

  • Cryptography
  • Distributed systems
  • Protocol design
  • Compilers

Benefits of the ART Repository

The ART repository offers several immediate benefits:

  • Centralisation of our written work.
  • DOI assignment for our reports and software.
  • Versioning of our reports and software.
  • Enhanced public access and discoverability of our work.
  • Statistics on our work, including downloads and citations.

Bonus: each record can also be referred to as ARTX, where X represents
the record’s number is X, so we just need to use .

Hosting of the Repository

The ART repository is hosted on Zenodo, a general-purpose repository
platform that aligns with our goal to catalog not just papers but all types of artefacts. However, our primary focus, at least in the medium term, is on reports and papers. Here are the useful links:

Guidelines for Contribution

We encourage everyone to contribute to the ART repository. If you wish to
contribute or become a co-editor, please contact me directly. For now, the
contribution process is simple: send me a direct message on Slack.

A potential workflow could be the following:

ART Workflow proposal

  1. Collective Brainstorming (Optional):
    Recurring short slots for lightning talks on research ideas for picking the collective brain.

  2. Initiating Forum Discussion (Optional): Authors initiate a forum
    discussion to gather feedback and suggestions from peers and experts.

  3. Draft Creation and Editor Consultation: Once a topic is selected or
    the forum discussion is deemed mature, authors begin drafting the
    manuscript. Editors are contacted at this stage for an assigned Overleaf
    project for future indexing.

  4. Reviewer Selection, Review Phase, and Refinement: After finalising
    the draft, a suitable reviewer is sought. Editors may suggest potential
    reviewers. The chosen reviewer and editor provide feedback on content and
    formatting via Overleaf.

  5. Review Iteration and Refinement: Upon resolving all comments and
    suggestions on Overleaf, authors and editors agree on indexing and
    publication. Once the document meets indexing criteria, it’s submitted
    for indexing on Zenodo ART, thus becoming an official publication.

Feel free to modify this workflow here:

Guidelines for Authors

We utilise LaTeX for report writing and Overleaf for collaborative editing.
The ART-template is available at:

To gain access to an assigned Overleaf project, please contact me directly. This is
the recommended way. Also, if you are unfamiliar with LaTeX and want to use Markdown,
that’s also possible using Pandoc.


I think it is a great idea! I’ve got a couple of questions about the process:

  • Upon maturation of the discussion, a meeting is scheduled to deliberate
    on the topic, outline, and structure.
  1. A meeting with whom? Someone who is helping with curating or the co-authors?

  2. The workflow also doesn’t explicitly mention the process of writing a report. Do I understand correctly that it is assumed to happen between steps 2 and 3?

  3. It also makes sense to me that author(s) might prefer to prepare a draft after step 1, and sort of merge steps 2 and 3 - lowers entry barriers for potential authors. Do you think this is possible/desirable/undesirable?